pattachitra art

May 25, 2022
The Evolution of Traditional Pattachitra Art to Modern Time

The Evolution of Traditional Pattachitra Art to Modern Time

About 9 miles from the city of Puri lies the colourful village of Raghurajpur. In this small of some 120-odd houses, at least one member from […]
May 11, 2022
Pattachitra Art: Its Origin and Evolution

Pattachitra Art: Its Origin and Evolution

One of the oldest forms of storytelling in the world is the paintings, and pattachitra art is one of the oldest forms of the art form. […]
April 6, 2022
Everything You Should Know About Pattachitra Art

Everything You Should Know About Pattachitra Art

The Pattachitra Art painting can be defined as one of the oldest and most popular art forms practised majorly in Odisha. Actually, the name Pattachitra has […]
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